Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Create the Right Environment in Your Company

An owner/manager is a motivator and hence you need to ensure that you, and any supervisors or managers reporting to you, are motivating your staff to come to work every day.

To generate job satisfaction and an environment that will stimulate and encourage your team to attend work you will need to assess and apply the following where possible;

1. Encourage internal promotion and select new recruits with care. Hire for attitude and cultural fit first, skills second.

2. Recognise and give regular feedback to your employees. Understand the importance of their work and show your appreciation.

3. Ensure people are paid fairly and competitively. Remember under-paying staff does de-motivate them and they should be rewarded accordingly.

4. Provide acceptable working conditions for all staff. Where possible implement new systems and technology and give your staff as many facilities as possible.

5. Always have regular meetings that identify work in progress. This can also be an ideal time to have group discussions and input for certain business activities or decisions.

6. Set and revisit objectives or targets. These must be clear, concise, measurable and regularly assessed to ensure that everyone is on track.

7. Measure individual staff member’s contribution.

8. Set high standards. These may require people to take an extra step or go out side of their boundaries, however this is what it is meant to do. You want your team to be able to take calculated risks and grow with your business.

9. Never make promises. You shouldn’t make promises if your intentions are otherwise. Offering rewards and then retracting them will make your staff angry and lack confidence in you.

10. Be honest with your staff. If you have bad news tell them as it is better coming from you instead of anyone else. Honesty also relates to good news. Praise them where you can.

11. You must set an example to your staff as if you imply a bad or unprofessional impression then they will assume that this is the standard the behaviour will be accepted.

12. Measure absenteeism and staff turnover. This will be clear indicator if staff are finding their positions difficult or unsatisfying and will present a pattern of what the company must do to ensure that the position is filled should staff leave.

Having a fair, diplomatic and structured environment will keep your employees active and enjoying their jobs. By simply applying the techniques above you will be able to have a more efficient and accepting work environment for your employees to attend to every day.

For help in building the right environment and culture in your company, Contact Me by email or visit my website for other articles and resources - click here: Business coaching

Andy Burrows - Business Advisor

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